Library of Chaos

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Library of Chaos

The Library of Chaos is a level 12/18 Dungeon.


Library Director (Silno)

  1. At 66% HP, the boss will trigger [Wold and Lamb], turning all players into sheep and summoning werewolves to chase them.
  2. At 33% HP, the boss will trigger [Little Match Girl], summoning the Little Girl and Matchsticks, and having monsters attack the matchsticks.

Doomsday Judge (Satyug)

  1. At 5 sec into the battle/66% HP/33% HP, the boss will cast [Element Conversion], transforming their current attribute and summoning Elemental Orbs of that attribute to enhance themselves.
  2. The boss will throw [Prison of Element] at the furthest player to control their movement.

Doom Reaper (Bonacius)

  1. The boss knocks everyone back and uses [Salvage Dash] on the furthest player.
  2. At 50% HP, the boss will open the Void Gate and summon [Void Army]. The Void Gate lasts for 60 sec.