Frenzy Throw

Use Throwing Blades to attack the target, dealing Physical DMG of 299% of your ATK + 343.
IF the Roulette Showdown points to the weakness, the DMG dealt will increase 40%.
After hitting, the Roulette Showdown will move 1 step clockwise, and mark all positions on the Roulette as weaknesses for 6 sec. When it ends, all temporary weaknesses will be removed (including ones marked by talents).

Frenzy Throw
Frenzy Throw
Cast Time Instant
Cast Range 16m
Cost 85
Cooldown 72 sec

Use Throwing Blades to attack the target, dealing Physical DMG of 299% of your ATK + 343.
IF the Roulette Showdown points to the weakness, the DMG dealt will increase 40%.
After hitting, the Roulette Showdown will move 1 step clockwise, and mark all positions on the Roulette as weaknesses for 6 sec. When it ends, all temporary weaknesses will be removed (including ones marked by talents).

Version history

Patch Changes
Launch Frenzy Throw was added to the game.