Chord Score (Bard - Solo)

Based on the Note Combination (disregarding the order), cast different [Chord Skills] and get corresponding [Chord Effects].
Red x 3: [Warlike Chord]
Red x 2 and Orange x 1: [Spiritual Chord]
Red x 1 and Orange x 2: [Rhytmical Chord]
Orange x 3: [Swiftness Chord]

Chord Score (Bard - Solo)
Chord Score (Bard - Solo)
Cast Time Instant
Cast Range 16m
Cost 60
Cooldown 0 sec

Based on the Note Combination (disregarding the order), cast different [Chord Skills] and get corresponding [Chord Effects].
Red x 3: [Warlike Chord]
Red x 2 and Orange x 1: [Spiritual Chord]
Red x 1 and Orange x 2: [Rhytmical Chord]
Orange x 3: [Swiftness Chord]

Version history

Patch Changes
Launch Chord Score (Bard - Solo) was added to the game.