
Fishing trainer
Fishing trainer

Once your character reaches a certain level, the system will guide you to an experienced and accomplished fishing trainer in SilverLit. You can unlock fishing and receive a beginner fishing rod and some beginner baits by following the trainer's instructions and completing simple quests. Unlike crafting, fishing doesn't require any Vigor.

The waters of all the areas on the map are inhabited by different fish species. Not only can you collect the fish you catch, but you can also consume it to gain various effects, such as temporarily increasing your secondary attributes, reducing skill cooldown and recovering Vigor. Fishing pays off in more ways than one, as you may also obtain other rare items besides fish. Players who are ultra-lucky may even find rare toys or special mounts through fishing, making their adventures much more fascinating.

How to fish

Fishing Barbarian
Fishing Barbarian

Head to an open water on the map and pick a good fishing spot. Next, use the fishing rod and select the proper bait by clicking or using hotkeys. Throw the bobber to a desired spot and wait patiently until the fish takes the bait.

When you feel that a fish is biting the bait, follow the instructions on the screen and you will successfully catch the fish! Reeling in a fish requires a certain amount of technique. Using different fishing rods and baits leads to different experiences.